【Sale!】German wool used by M・Janke Made M36 Heer Feldbluse ミハエル・ヤンケ社使用ドイツ製ウール ドイツ陸軍M36野戦服


サイズ:肩幅47㎝ 袖丈64㎝、胸囲:102㎝、首廻り:44㎝ ウエスト:96㎝

※English description is following below:

Size: Shoulder: 47㎝ Sleeve length: 64cm Breast circumference: 102cm  Neck circumference: 42 Waist: 96㎝

I would say size in European Size 51-52.






























■Tunic was fabricated by based on Original M36/40 Feldbluse paper pattern 


The Tunic has been well ,deeply researched by such as Original picture and original feldbluse parts, and itself made on 1942 at factory so on..

and the size has been modified with body shape using with papr pattern.

■About detail of M36 Feldbluse

Most of importance of Tunic detail appearance is well shaped waist line, and Upper Armhole.

That shape is well known what German tunics are beautiful.

Have you known the shape mentioned above that tunic shape had been organized, calculated   in the wisdom of  cloth cutting process?

The method of cloth cutting process is well calculated As  save as cloth usage not to be waisted of making Tunic and as maximize as usage of material.

The tunic parts such as Front(both left and Right),back, sleeves, collar, chest and lower pockets are placed not make extra spacing between them as German tunic fabrication Instruction Manual.

The wisdom of not to waste material during Tunic fabrication, that is the reason why GermaンTunics are beautiful.

The tunic is typically German Field Blouse as of ”To Save your Material” Spirit of Prussian is still till now ongoing.

Chest and Lower Pocket size

As to German Tunic fabrication Instruction says that, each pocket flap has specific dimension but, as of pocket itsself height has “tolerance”±+-3cm.

Regarding pleat dimension should be 3.5cm width. In addition, Untill M41feld bluse has still as same desgin as of M40 and M36 Feldbluse pocket.

Our production M40 is accurately followed by instruction,

Sleeve has been reproduced  as original “Das Heer Triangular Shape” 

The sleeve shape is most apparent feature of “Das Heer Model” in the tunic, in the side view of it ,will be visible slightly “V” shape. in the front view both sleeves face and creased to the center point.

The shoulder point has been designed and should have slight “inflation” to make that shape, cotton tape has been stitched in the sleeve lining.

Internal Lining

Regarding Lining of the tunic, currently produced The other reproduction seems that has been copied from Repro (NOT from an Original tunic!) and reproduced by shoter length or longer length of the tunics.

that is why most of reproduction design looks so creepy!

To be accurate as Original,  slit of lining for Internal suspender system had been latch stitches applied on.

as to instruction says that Lining slit for the internal suspender system, shoould have between 8-9cm width.

In addition, most of repro tunics Do NOT have internal suspender hooks was not attached. this tunic have 2 Original Internal Hooks.

Air vent stitch for Belt hooks should be finished by eyelet holes sewn, however these holes were hand sewn. I do not have it for amoment(sorry).

PLUS, many of reproduction DOES NOT have reinforcing cloth for  eyelet hoes, but the tunic does have and attatched on!

Reinforcing cloth for shoulder button, Lining fix stitching cross over from front pocket to Backing are also

applied on the tunic(cheap repros not have them!)

The lining material is used heavy twill cotton fabric as Original.

Many of reproduction does not have Collar reinforcing Not to be deformed. in the early stage of German tunic has Reinforcing material such as Linen or Cotton. The tunic Collar has been reinforced not to be deformed!

Tunic Length

According to Regulation of Uniform Deutsche Arbeits Front(DAF) issued by March,1937, total length of the tunic size 94, should be 69cm, 2cm larger by each breast circumference, total length shold be added 2cm as well till breast circumference 96cm.

for this tunic length became 72 cm for 104cm of breast size

Collar lining
 First M40 Feldbluse  rolled out from factory was 1938, in the time of rolled out already collar was fabricated as same as feldgrau body wool colour,but slightly minor changed some details. Early M40 production, the Grey lining of collar was used as same as M36 feldbluse.


Button Hole

outstanding detail of reproduction Tunic is….Button hole.

Now My studio had invested amount of Money for introducing Button Hole Machine to my studio.

The button Hole sewing machine technology originally comes from Dürkopp-Adler, thus Buttonhole sewing pattern is awesome finish.

Unfortunately, the thread material is made out of Polyester but finishing is in great shape finish.

The Tunic Material

Wool : 100% pure German Imported Plain weave  Field Grey Wool fabric as same as Michael Janke used.

Lining: Linen/Cotton Mixed Twill fabric came from France which is vintage fabric.

Thread: Imported Original Swiss made thread which had been fabricated and exported Germany during WW2.

Button:WW2 Original repainted 19mm German made are used for this Tunic.

Hooks: Hook for Collar is used Original “Prym” and Hooks for Internal Suspenders are from My original Dead-stock.


Collar Tabs(KragenSpiegel):highly accurate a pair of collar tabs Model”Mouse grey 1940″ Will come with( collar tabs can be attached by request

Iron cross 2nd class ribbon: Original applied on 2nd button hole as usual.

Breast Eagle: Used highly recommended Reproduction Mouse grey type from Italy.

Shoulder boards: My studio made with German wool and original rayon Piping “Infantrie”

Size: Shoulder: 47㎝ Sleeve length: 64cm Breast circumference: 102cm  Neck circumference: 42 Waist: 96

I would say size in European Size 51-52.



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“【Sale!】German wool used by M・Janke Made M36 Heer Feldbluse ミハエル・ヤンケ社使用ドイツ製ウール ドイツ陸軍M36野戦服” の口コミを投稿します

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